Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter weekend..

A duck or a goose egg provides the basis of this work of art in miniature. The process involves emptying the egg's contents through a small incision after which it is painted in several stages. Firstly various shapes are drawn on, then it is covered with wax, and finally paint is applied in successively lighter colours as areas of wax are pealed away layer by layer.
Red is the symbol of love & joy. The straight lines symbolize eternity... Thus each egg can be read as a story and its message and design are unique!!

This is my priced possession from Romania... Hope you all are ready for the Easter weekend..

A spring table

 Well, it’s in the 70’s here today, and the weather has been glorious for weeks now – SO unlike the Midwest. I’m crossing fingers and toes that there is no more snow! Puhhhleaze? Considering it’s supposed to be 84 degrees here tomorrow, you’d think we’re safe. When I showed you the cute little Dollar Tree bird in this post, I told you I had some ideas in mind for others as well. I was so sure

An Artist's Window

Over the last few months I shared with you a few projects we built for our friends cabin. We built a hall tree out of an old door,and changed the look of their fireplace from this...
Across from the fireplace is an open staircase, a perfect little spot to tuck in tables an chairs for their grandchildren. To make it even more fun we created
an art center
made from an old wooden window frame.
One side of the window we made a chalkboard and the other side we cut a piece of metal to fit for a magnet board.We built and attached a little window box out of cedar to hold plastic flower pots filled with oodles of art supplies.
A perfect spot for inspiring little artists!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inexpensive Finds…Bathroom Vanities

Canadian House and Home’s online photo gallery on Budget Decorating Ideas is a nod to the notion that most people like to create stylish interiors without spending a fortune.

While all of the images are inspiring, I have been in love with the bathroom below since it appeared in H & H’s Makeover issue last year. It belongs to House & Home senior editor Meg Crossley and is an example of how a little paint goes a long way. She took an inexpensive washstand vanity from Canadian Tire and painted it the same beautiful light blue (Sico’s Georgetown Sandstone 6157-31 which looks more green on the chip) as the panel moulding. Rather than installing a new tub, she gave it a facelift by painting the tub skirt in the same colour. Genius! I posted about Meg’s basement reno here.

I just picked up H&H’s annual Kitchen and Baths issue which is not included with the annual subscription. Although some rooms have been featured before in the magazine, there are a few new and notable kitchens and baths which you will want to see.


The vanity’s open shelf and the legs add an airy quality to a small bathroom. Below are some leggy vanities I found online, all for less than $500. The first three are from Home Depot. Even though the second and third have closed storage, they appear less weighty thanks to the glass and the combination of closed storage and open shelving. I would probably paint over the stain in either a white or a beautiful colour that relates to something else in the room, as in Meg’s charming bathroom.




These two are from Lowe’s. Again, you can paint them or keep them as is.loweskohler


If money was no object, then this one from Restoration Hardware would do the trick. No painting required and it includes the marble counter. Love the combination of the shelf and drawers.


If you need help with updating a bathroom or any other home design or decorating project, please contact me at

Monday, March 29, 2010

A cozy window nook!

First of all, thanks so much for your idea on the furniture layout! It’s hard to get a feel for the room just with the pics I posted – there are walkways behind both sofas, so for now, they have to stay put. But I am going to add a console table behind the long sofa for sure – I found a perfect table that isn’t too deep and it’s gorg! But for now I’m trying not to spend any cash. ;) One of the

nearly egg time!!

Yes... its nearly egg time!! We've got our dining table dressed up with twigs from the garden and eggs hanging off it...

No colour theme.... as I think.. all eggs look fab...

This one is my priced possession... Sits proudly on the center / coffee table... in a pretty tall glass.

This is a real egg, hand painted all the way from Romania!! More on this one later...

The girls have prepared a little center peice for their table as well... The bunnies are awaiting...

and so are we.... waiting eagerly... for our chocolate filled Easter eggs... Hope you have a thoughtful Holy week.... and are gearing up for Easter!!

Comfort Zone

I am a creature of comfort.
I prefer to stay in my little cocoon
where I can be safe and warm and comfortable.
There is only one problem with that attitude.
I do not grow.
And even though growing can be painful,
it is also a necessary part of life.

Today I find myself in an uncomfortable but necessary position.
I have determined that it is time for me to
stretch my wings and fly
As scary as it is for me to do,
I fear that it will be more scary not to.

Recently I quietly celebrated my blog's second anniversary.
Like most events in my life the celebration included
a time of reflection.
It also caused me to visualize what I want in the future.

Blogging has taken me to places I never anticipated.
It is time for me to go further.
Time to leave my comfort zone.
To push myself.
To become more.
I know that if I can become more
I can have a greater impact on others.

That's the scary part!
I would much rather be a hermit
than put myself out in the world.
But the time has come.

Please be kind.

I have decided that it is time for me to
ask for sponsors.
Although I hesitate to charge people money
I know that it is a means to help others grow.

Okay, (deep breath!)
that is not where my stretching ends.

For several years now I have done design consultations
for friends and friends of friends.
It has become a small business.
A business that I really enjoy.
It is time for me and my business to grow.
If you live in my area
(Northern Utah, USA)
I am available for hire.

Please contact me at
if you are interested in advertising
or a design consultation.

Getting out of your comfort zone
is both scary and exhilarating!

What will you do today to get out of your comfort zone?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Moving furniture around (& the holidays?)

First of all, thank you SO much for your thoughts on the veggie garden! I am so excited! It sounds like the Square Foot Gardening technique works great, so that’s what I’m going to try. Onto the purpose of this post. I blame this one on The Nester. Darn it, I love her, but her post about moving furniture around the other day caused me to push very large and heavy sofas around our family room for

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Simply elegant...

I am a huge fan of simple and clutter free feeling to a home. I like the use of simple & elegant colours and unusally simple decor.

I'm sure by now you all know... I'm totally in love with wall art!! Look at the full picture below to see the detail... It covers nearly one fourth of the wall and looks awesome!

The colours make the home look airey & warm! The use of a rug & dark wooden table holds the room together... Can you spot the pebbles in the table?

On the other side, is the TV unit!! The use of light & greenery.... is simply amazing. The plants are on the outside of the room.... love the use of glass here!! Sure makes the room look bigger!!

This is a home (villa) designed by Vistaar Associates. I like the textures of this sofa & cushions.

I have featured a simple & stunning home make over & salon & spa interiors before. Do have a look. Leave your comments, so I know you were here... and you liked this home.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Really. I’m asking. How does your garden grow? Cause I want to grow a vegetable garden. :) This year, I have been hit with the must-grow-our-own-food-I-may-not-ever-use-because-I-hardly-cook bug. I MUST have my own carrots. And lettuce. Pumpkins. (Ack! Can you imagine how fun it would be to grow your own pumpkins??) I do OK with plants – we can’t have many inside because we have three cats. One

Budding Plans

I woke this morning to a Hollywood snowstorm. You know the kind where the flakes are so large and float down so gently that they seem too beautiful to be real? The storm was short lived and as I walked out to check the mail I got a glimpse of my forsythia bush abundant with buds ready to burst into bloom. Upon further inspection I noticed one little branch snuggled into the grass. The warmth of ground has caused it to blossom prematurely, becoming
a ray of hope of good things to come
I feel very much like that budding bush. I too am waiting for warm days. I have many craft and home improvement plans ready to burst from the cocoon of the doldrums of winter into the beauty and splendor of springtime projects.
I hope that you'll find it worth the wait.

Fresh Bedrooms for Spring

Most designers will ask clients to pull together some images of rooms that they love so that we can see what their preferred style is. Oftentimes clients say I’m not really sure what I like. Preferences will emerge once we have gone through all of the images.

I have saved quite a few bedroom images that I loved and just realized that the majority of them have white bedding. No surprise since both my bedroom and my daughter’s have white duvet covers with colourful cushions.

My favourite is the first image with it’s subtle but glamourous Barbara Barry wallpaper, pendant, simple upholstered headboard and of course, the white bedding. You can see the rest of this home here.

The other bedrooms have a splash of colour in the form of cushions, pillow shams or a throw. All equally beautiful!








HBSW6315 viatwoellie




(1,2, – Style at Home; 3 – Country Living; 4 – Domino; 5, 6, 7 – Elle Decor; 8 – House Beautiful; 9 – via Two Ellie; 10 – via House of Turquoise; 11 – via My Notting Hill; 12 – unknown – anyone know?)

If you need help decorating a bedroom or any other home design or decorating project, please contact me at

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weekend inspiration

Its my first calm weekend in a while... no house guests, no birthday parties... no social events, nothing!! I woke up early... really early (3 am!).. to clean, clear & sort. You think I'm obsessed?? Probably... But the next three weeks are going to be absolutely mad at work, and I just cannot enter the mad season with so much clutter around me.... Anyway... I've completed all the home work.. and have now moved to cleaning my pc & external hard drive.. and have found truck loads of stuff... things I'd forgetten existed... from maps, to travel guides of places on my holiday wish list, to hotels I'd like to stay in, short trip I'd like to go on, to decor ideas - ranging from book shelves to bedrooms, to outdoor inspirations... Gosh... so much to show you guys....!!

Anyway... here is an image (I dont know from where)... but I can see myself seated on that chair today!! I like the earthen pots, the chest, the table, the chairs, and above all the orangish wall.... It looks like a hotel, isnt it??

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lighten up!

First of all, the winner of the $50 HomeGoods gift card is Cindy from The Flipping Couple! Congrats Cindy! Email me and I’ll get your card sent out to you! Sooo…this post could also be titled: “Hello my name is Sarah and I suffer from DOCD (Decorating OCD)” or “I am obsessed with the color green.” or “Spray paint is ahhhhmazing.” I couldn’t decide. I don’t know what’s come over me

Tres Chic

Looking back at my blog I remembered this oldie but goodie.
I hope you don't mind that I share a little re-post.

I bought a very large tray at the thrift store. It was rather plain and was stained an orangish color.
This is how it looked after I sanded it and primed it.I spray painted it Heirloom White
and sanded the edges for a distressed look.I added some retro hardware that I sprayed
black with a bronze metallic dusting.
I spray painted four finials.And ABRACADABRA!
Those pretty finials are now fancy legs.
Then just to make it "tres chic",
I added some fleur de lis rub on decals.