Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shelf Stories ~ Finale

Thank you all... for linking in!! Truly thrilled with all the responses we received for this... So thank you... here is a quick round up!!

The first entry - Designing life !!

A few stunning shelves from Happy to be home!!

The fabulously kitschy kitchen at Home Canvas

Dont miss the book space... on Clouds Rain and Sunshine!

My Dream Canvas joined in one afternoon... *smiles*

And a perfect home mantra @ Home Shanthi Home

Last but surely not the least... Oorvi showed off her stunning shelf...

Notyet100 joined in just in time, with her knick knack shelves.. She also shows off her stunning kitchen!!

Another stunner by Cherish Dream Live...

Go on and check their posts.. and like I always say.. Do comment.. Its always nice to know you dropped by... *smiles*..

And when you are done.. do check out the other Shelf Stories... In the spotlight!!

Looking forward to all of you joining the September ~ In the Spotlight series... *smiles*... See you here tomorrow....

My kind of town…Milton is


Kate came up with the idea to have bloggers share their favourite (or favorite!) things in their town.

Milton is one of the fastest growing towns in Canada but has still maintained its small town charm.  I moved here six years ago as house prices were a lot less than where I was living (15 minutes east in Mississauga.)    It’s close to the 401 and 407 (our major highways) and approximately 45 minutes northwest of Toronto.  New venues such as our Center for the Arts are being built to meet the demands of the growing population.   Here’s what else  I love about Milton.

1) The architecture and beauty of the historic homes.  The oldest homes date back to the mid-1850’s – certainly not old when compared to the US or Europe.  I love driving through this neighbourhood.  The historical homes have plaques indicating the year they were built and who lived there. (I hope the homeowner’s don’t mind having these photos up!)




The second home built in 1882 with the gorgeous manicured garden always incites a smile whenever I drive by.  I can only imagine what the inside looks like.

2)  Wonderful restaurants including my personal fave,  La Toscana.  It was once the historic Thompson Hotel which opened in 1847.


3)  Farms nearby and a thriving Farmer’s Market with produce from all over Ontario.


4) Hiking trails, parks and streams close by.


Milton is situated near the Escarpment so we are  fortunate to have hiking trails within a few minutes of where we live. We always buy a family annual pass which gives you unlimited entry to six parks/trails in the area – totally worth it! I took this photo of one of my favourite trails and look forward to those crisp Fall days which are ideal hiking weather.

Click here to read the entries of the other bloggers and find out what they love about their town.
Do you love where you live? 

If you need design help, please contact me at vanessa (at) vanessafrancis (dot) com.

Mommy Guilt—Let’s Talk


Maybe it’s adjusting to the first full week of school or having a plate that’s tipping on too full, but I feel like I’m struggling to keep up this week.  I’m working on a proposal for a big project that will hopefully pan out and finalizing several other projects in progress. 

All of my kids had their first full day of school on different days, so there’s been some juggling.  I even took my 5-year-old to a meeting with me the other day.  Of course, my phone was the obvious choice for entertaining her.  She must’ve had a good time.  This is just a sample of what I found in my pictures later that night:










I’m still undecided if I’m going to hire her as my assistant. . .


I had another post planned for today, but this has been one of those mornings, complete with a big dose of mommy guilt.  I’m pretty new at this whole “working mother” thing, and I’m not sure I’m adjusting as well as my kids are.  The last time I worked full time was before I had my oldest, and I have been very blessed to be able to stay home with my babies.  On a whim, I started this blog and my design business, having no idea that I would work myself into an almost full-time job.  The opportunities that have come my way in such a short time blow my mind, and I believe that it is God blessing my endeavors. 

Up until recently, when people would ask if I worked, I would still say that I stayed home and decorated on the side.  It hit me when I was filling out school registration papers this year and I listed an occupation and a work number, that things have changed.  Truthfully, it scares me a little.  And, excites me all at the same time.

I’ve always known I’m not June Cleaver.  My free time will never include baking cookies for pleasure or even volunteering at school.  I love my kids bigger than the world, but I also need some time to think about other things that have absolutely nothing to do with them.  I like putting on big girl shoes, meeting new people, being creative, and yes, even being able to contribute (if only in a small way) to my family’s income.  I know that there are mothers reading this who are shaking their heads in agreement and others who are shaking their heads in disgust.  We, mothers, can be a really judgmental group, but the truth is, you have to make the decisions that work best for you and your family.

I’m 100% sure all mothers struggle with this guilt thing—even those who make things look effortless (surely they hide in their closets and have breakdowns every now and then. . . ).  Some of us are just better at keeping it to ourselves than others, I guess.  I love my pal Camila’s guest post series “In Her Shoes” (you can read my entry here) where she asks other bloggers to document a day in their lives.  I have to say, though, that I often read those posts and wonder what I’m doing wrong.  How can these girls get so much done in a day and still have the energy to make dinner and read books to their kids?  When do they flop out on the couch in exhaustion and eat chips just because?  Again, it’s the whole comparison thing.  Nobody knows anybody else’s “real” life, and when  you start comparing  yourself to others, it can just make you plain crazy.

I’m not sure why I decided to share all of this today.  I consider my readers my friends, though--well, most of you, at least :) and blogging about it has been a little therapeutic for me.  So, thanks.  And, if you’ve got any advice on the mommy guilt thing, I’m all ears.

Back to design talk tomorrow, I promise.

ec signature

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tools for the Blogger

Hey hey! Thanks for the kind words and support about our latest fiasco. ;) The adjuster came out today and he was SO awesome – we’re hoping for good news. It could be up to two weeks before we can do anything though, and I’m already itching to have a working kitchen again. It may be a long two weeks! :) Anyhoo, I joke that I’m shocked I even have a functioning blog, let alone one that does

Shelf Stories ~ Sharkara

I cant tell you how happy I am to see all these entries coming in... for the 'In the Spotlight' series.. Thank you all!!

Joining in today is Sharkara from Sensitive Creations... These are her corner shelves... with a little from her collection of pottery and Madhubani...

So what do you think of her gorgeous shelves... ??

Bouncing Back

I'm back! Wow, it has been an event filled summer. I was blessed to witness the births of two beautiful granddaughters. They are happy, healthy and growing quickly as babies do. I have also said my earthly goodbyes to my mother-in-law and brother-in-law. As a family we have peace knowing that our loved ones who have passed are out of pain and in a much better place. We know that we will see them again and that they too are happy and growing.

Because it has been a "life and death" summer I have neglected my home and my blog. I am looking forward to fall (and praying that it will be less eventful).

I have several projects in the works and many more planned.I have appreciated your kindness, thoughtful comments,

and patience!

Thank You!

And now, a week late (so sorry!), the winner of the Vinyl Crafts giveaway is comment #26 Lacee, writer of the blog Mommas Like Me. Congratulations Lacee!

Mirrors to the Molding


Decorating a mantel seems to stump a lot of people.  Maybe it’s the pressure of creating a “focal point” for the room.  Mirrors are a popular go-to choice, but a mistake I often see is using a mirror that’s too small in scale. 

I love these examples of using large mirrors that fill the entire vertical visual space above the fireplace, sometimes even touching the crown molding.  Not only is it a great way to “open up” the room, but it’s a wonderful excuse to ditch the ceiling fan and replace it with a great chandelier for a beautiful reflection.  (That’s also in the plans around here, btw.)

















ec signature



PS—I loved reading your responses to my kindergarten post.  So funny :)

Shelf Stories ~ Swapna

... Just in time, is our final entry for Shelf Stories!! Swapna joins us today, with a few absolutely stunning images!!

Swapna is an engineer by profession ... raising two kids... !!

And this is what she has to say ~

A blog addict (mommy blogs, crafty blogs, decor blogs) which are inspiration for the bits of stuff I have done in my home!!

These shelves are from Fab India. The minute I saw them, I knew I wanted them. These are the only ones hubby & I agreed to pick up immediately.... without any arguments!! I love the way, they hold the bits and bobs of whatever little I have collected and like to show off...

And Swapna... I love the wall clock in the back ground.. Your home is lovely.. thank you for being part of Colours Dekor...

Monday, August 29, 2011

My home.... featured!!

A few new pictures of my home... featured on Designing Life today... This is my new found, favourite design blog.... so go on... check out her posts.... and don't forget to comment!! Its always encouraging and motivating to see comments... Makes all the time you spend on blogger worthwhile... So thank you loves!! *smiles*

Have you seen a few pictures of my home on Prismma?? I totally loved the new format, so you must go check those out as well... and hey... leave a comment... coz I'd like to know what you think too... *smiles*

Prismma is my new addiction as well... so go on and follow their page... coz they feature some awesome homes, amazing design and decor tips... etc..

Our Visitor, Murphy

Some mornings I wake up and have NO clue what I’m going to blog about that night. I rarely schedule posts ahead – I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kind of blogger. This morning I was thinking of the projects I could complete to blog about, and was trying to figure out what I’d have the time to finish up. Well…I got some blog material. Just not the kind I wanted. ;) If you follow me on

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Weekly Story ~ wk 46

You saw the painted wall last week... Teal in my bedroom... *smiles* !! We've painted one wall teal... Now.. I simply can't decide what colour would blend in with my teal wall... for furnishing, accessories and maybe some additional work on the wall..

So what colour do you like...

Should I do orange, yellow or teal.... Tell me.. please!! Post in comments... so I can start work in my room.. *smiles*

As there are two more weeks for the holidays to end... I'm always on the look out for craft work for my girls... Today I'm featuring.... Shealynns Faerie Shoppe .. and her books coming to life...

This is totally stunning!!

Second pick... is my favourite new find... Cards, Crafts & Kids Project ~ Shell craft ~ angel

Hope you are joining 'The Weekly Story' linky party ~ open from Monday through Wednesday every week.. ... ... ...

  1. Do a post on your blog, about ANYTHING! and it can really be anything – example – a fun recipe you tried out, a craft project, a DIY, a table top, a few candles, coffee with friends or a good book or a movie review… The list is endless… just about ANYTHING… and anything about YOU !! *smiles* ... It can also be 'anything pretty' ...

  2. Original photographs only... No images from other websites or magazines please!! This is about YOU.

  3. Link back to my blog.... only as a courtesy, so we have more people joining the party.

  4. Copy the 'permalink' from your post (not the link to the front page of your blog).

  5. Add your 'permalink' to the 'inlinkz' at the bottom of this post.

  6. Click the link before you. Don’t forget to comment and if you like the blog, please follow!!

Any questions, email me on

Please note, you DO NOT have to be a follower of my blog to join the party.. I'd love to see you here!!

Please grab the Colours Dekor 'The Weekly Story' button!!

Colours Dekor

~ Patricia

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shelf Stories ~ Priya

Another stunning shelf space!! Joining us today is Priya of Once Upon A Tea Time ~ ~

Here is what she has to say ~

The shelf has all my favourite things - books, magazines, favourite prints, Ikat, etc and I wanted to try my hand at styling a bookshelf so as to make it appealing to the eye.... I sure hope that's what I've done!!

And what do you think about our Shelf Stories...