Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Bit More Color

I've decided that my living room needs a punch of color. That's one thing about blogging, when you post pictures of a room you start to notice where you can make improvements. Since my newest project is going in that room, it is the perfect place to add color. I like the paint color that I used on this project.
Speaking of this project,
it's now sitting on my front porch.
I was able to harvest all of these
delightful fall goodies from my garden.
I piled a bunch of the smaller ones into
some antique bowls
that I found years ago at the thrift store.
And the larger ones look great outside.Since we're outside, I'll show you
some more of my Halloween decorations.

Some of you showed a real interest in my old PB light fixture.
I suppose I could sell it.
But I'm warning you, it's pretty heavy and would cost a bit to ship.