You don't have to change everything in your house to keep up with the styles, just incorporate a current item or two.
(photo courtesy of Pottery Barn)
Recently while in a very trendy store, I noticed these "moss spheres" adorning several surfaces. You know what I did? Yes. I stopped by the dollar store on my way home and picked up a few items. The glue and thread were items I had on hand.I turned on some relaxing music and started to craft. Working in sections, I applied glue to the styrofoam ball and then stuck on the moss. It was a bit messy, but really easy. Knowing that these spheres might tempt the young men in my family (a ball is a ball to them), I took a clue from the original items and wrapped each with green thread to additionally secure the moss.I was able to make five moss spheres for substantially less than purchasing them at the popular store. Won't this arrangement look gorgeous in my fireplace or as a centerpiece for my table?I promise to light the candles
and not leave them unattended.
I'm pretty sure that fire and smoke damage
is not a new design trend.
and not leave them unattended.
I'm pretty sure that fire and smoke damage
is not a new design trend.