Saturday, February 28, 2009

I just love candles...

I’m fascinated by light in all forms!! Hence my love for candles. This love being very visible in my home… and ofcourse I need an excuse to light up my home with candles.

These candles in a pot pourri is a creation by Alex (my friend!). Isn’t that lovely! I’m inspired !!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Served On A Siver Platter

Super Easy Project Ahead!

Simply print a monogram from your computer,
on regular paper (no need for card stock).
Then cut it out being sure to stay inside the black
so the white of the paper doesn't show.
Using a regular ol' glue stick, adhere the monogram
to a silver platter or china serving plate.
Of course, this is FOR DISPLAY USE ONLY.
When you're tired of the display,
just remove it by soaking it in water.
How's that for a quick and easy project?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I've been going to a deep, dark place...

It's down here... It's got floors like this -- EWWW!:There's usually a lot of this going on:Hide your's scary...this is the worst part:AHHHHHH!!!!! I know!!!God Bless blogging...but it has created a bloggy butt on this Chick. Seriously...I say I've gained ten pounds in the past year...But really. It's only been since, maybe October, when I really got into the blogging stuff. That's what

You Asked, I Delivered

***Edited to Add***
I feel so humbled that Kari and Kjisa
are featuring this post on their
"Psst...Your Creativity is Showing" segment.

Thank you so much Ladies!!!

Several of you wonderful ladies requested a how-to of the grain sack reproduction. You asked, I delivered.
First, decide how big you want your project. Next, use any computer program to make a pattern (I use Print Shop), or draw one by hand using a permanent marker.
Then cut the burlap just a bit larger than the finished project. This makes it easier to manage, as well as giving you an idea of where to place your pattern. Place the burlap on top of the pattern, and then lay both onto a light box (one of my favorite tools EVER). If you don't own a light box, then secure the burlap onto the pattern using straight pins and tape the two pieces onto a sunny window.
Using acrylic craft paint, simply paint on top of the pattern.
You can also use a store bought stencil, as I did to achieve this design.Be sure to remove your pattern while the paint is still wet so the paper doesn't stick to the dried paint. Once the paint is thoroughly dry, if you want a more aged look, you can lightly sand over the painted surface. It's just that easy to make your own personalized grain sack.
If these directions seem familiar to you, it's because I used a similar technique here and here

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Unofficial Holiday

Can you see what's wrong with this picture?Yes, the door and trim are not the same pretty white
as the crown molding.

I'm embarrassed to admit that this has been the case for a while now. I don't even remember why I didn't paint it when everything else was painted. and because it's the back of the door, I only see it first thing in the morning when I'm running to do a dozen other things, and late at night when I'm ready for bed.
Please tell me that I am not the only person that leaves a little something to do on a project and then forgets to go back and finish the job.
Occasionally my husband will ask, "When are we going to paint that door?" (He says "we" even though he never does the painting.) I usually respond with, "I'll get to it."
Well, I am officially declaring today

It will be called "Why Not Wednesday!"
Today is the day I am going to get to
painting that door----FINALLY!
You can join me in celebrating today.
What project have you been neglecting?
When are you going to do it?
Why Not Wednesday!

And when I'm done painting,
I'll start working on the tutorial
you asked for.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In this chair.

Before my son was born, my best friend told me she had something special she was going to give me after he arrived.It was the book Love You Forever. She wanted to wait till after his birth because she knew it would have even more meaning then. She knew. I would hold his teeny tiny body in this chair, reading it to him, tears running down my face. It's about a Momma who picks up her baby while he

It's Been Sacked

Antique grain sacks are so popular right now.
I decided to make my own version
using burlap and paint.
I personalized it to my family.
2 parents+5 kids=No.7
(Name has been covered to protect the innocent)
Our last name has Swiss origins,
so the word "family" is spelled the Swiss way.
I used spray adhesive to stick it
right on top of the old painting.

How's that for a change of scenery?
It looks much better than it did here.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Fill In

Remember when I added an extra frame around my foyer mirror? Well, that left an empty spot in my decor where that frame had previously been. There was only one thing to do. Find a fill in. This is what I found.Of course, the frame was a little too gold for my taste, so I brought out the Rub 'n Buff to grunge it up.

After applying R 'n B, I gave it a good rubbing which revealed a little of the original gold. This gave the finish more depth and dimension. I think it now has the appearance of an old piece that's been found in an attic. I like it much better now.
I'm sure you're wondering if
I plan on keeping that nice painting.

I am not.

I have other plans.
But that will be another post.

How's that for a tease?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where I write witty, brilliant things...

HA! Stop laughing! My friend Ellie Mae tagged me to show where I blog...well, I usually blog on the laptop, which is all over the house. But I do a lot of looking at blogs in our office, does that count?I painted the office last weekend. I was going for a rust color the first time I painted it and for about three years, I walked in and HATED the color. It wasn't right -- too orange,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rebecca's Home (Part II)

Once again… featuring Rebecca’s holiday home in Cyprus. Being a home in Cyrpus, which is the third largest Mediterranean island, I think her home is highly influenced by Mediterranean style.

Homes decorated in this style (I’m no style guru, this is the little knowledge I have on this subject matter) are inspired by the elements of nature and the décor is very earthly.

In her living space, I love the influence of red. In the eyes of Feng Shui the influence of colour is an important aspect. In China, decorating with the colour red brings good luck and is the colour of fortune. So here is wishing Rebecca good luck always!!

Note the area rug ties together the living area.

Look at the lovely bed rooms. Once again maintaining the simple, yet elegant décor.

If Rebecca's holiday home is so beautiful, can you imagine what her home must look like?? Thank you for sharing your home with us.

Rebecca's home (Part 1)

Adele (my friend) shared these pictures of her friend Rebecca’s holiday home in Cyprus. I instantly fell in love with the simplicity of the décor. Honestly, its such a personal touch… so simple, yet so tastefully done.
I love the four Buddha’s in the frame. This is in her bedroom. My favourite are these lamps. The stones that stand next to it have been picked up from the beach in Cyprus. How lovely!!

Birds around Rebecca’s home!! More posts on Rebecca’s beautiful home to follow..

Yes… you can tell I’ve been experimenting with Photoshop!!

My home

I'm so excited... Finally this Photoshop is making some sense to me!! I know what you are thinking... what's the big fuss! I felt a bit primitive when everyone I spoke to was photoshopping their pics and I had NO clue what they were talking about. Yes... my profession is not really one of the most creative!!

This is what I did today... made a collage of a few things around my home! Hope you like it! I know I have lots to learn....

Hang It Up

My daughter has a HUGE collection of jewelry. She's already filled up the jewelry frame I made. For Christmas she received so many necklaces that I told her that I would make her a necklace holder. Almost two months later, I finally decided to cross that project off my list. Here's how I made it.
First, I found some pretty fabric.
I took out the mod podge and picked out some drawer knobs while hubby cut a board to size and drilled holes to fit the screws for the knobs.I painted the board black. When it was dry I placed it on top of the upside-down fabric and traced around the board. I cut out the fabric. I brushed mod podge onto the board and applied the fabric piece.Then I brushed a layer of mod podge on top of the fabric in one direction. When dry, I brushed on another layer in the opposite direction.Lastly, I poked holes in the fabric to screw on the drawer knobs, then added the hanging hardware.And there you have it! A pretty necklace holder, or towel holder, or apron holder, or whatever-you-choose holder.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ten minutes to a room you'll love...

with fabric! The Nester is having a party that I almost completely missed. ME, miss a party? No way Joe-se.So thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you all a few more of the quick, cheap updates I've made to our office. Earlier this week, I showed you the difference fabric made to the bookcase: STILL can't find more of that fabric. Grrrr....I know they can order more, but I don't

A Great After

A Wasted SpaceAFTER:
A Pretty Place

I'm so happy that I was able to transform
this dead end closet
using things I already had.

I'm hoping that you wonderful readers can help Katie. She e-mailed me trying to find a certain post in blogland: "It was a tutorial on how to make your own hand painted signs-I think the lady used receipt paper to trace the sayings onto painted wood pieces?....does this ring a bell? I have a toddler and I really wanted to make him a sign for his b-day"
***Edited to add: Thanks for your help! Katie found what she was after and more!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Plan B

*Take eight dollar thrift store table
out of storage.

*Sand off ugly gold paint to
reveal original mahogany finish
(this should be easy since the previous owner
didn't properly prep table before spray painting)
*Leave just enough gold paint patches
to give the table an "old world" finish.

*Pair table with old mirror.PROBLEM:
*Removal of gold paint reveals
several scratches on tabletop
(likely a reason the previous owner painted it).

*Sand tabletop to remove scratches.
*Tape off mirror and molding.
*Lightly sand mirror frame.

*Break out the, ever dependable, black spray paint.When doing makeovers,
it's good to have a Plan B.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Music For The Eyes

At the end of the hall in my basement is a funny little space. I have never understood what the builder was thinking when he built this spot. Originally it had a bi-fold door on it, leading a person to think that it might be a closet. But who builds a closet that is less than ten inches deep? Even if they would have taken the time to build shelves inside, what items would you store in such a small place?Finally, after years of being annoyed with this dead end, I decided to do something with it. I knew with a little creativity, I could turn this worthless spot into a place of interest and beauty.
I found a book of accordion music at the thrift store for a dollar.
It has handwritten dates inside of when the owner played some of the pieces. They were dated 1954! The pages show their age. I love how yellowed they are.I tore out the pages and adhered them to the inside of the "closet", using wallpaper paste, overlapping the pages and adding parts of pages for interest.I knew I achieved my goal when one of my sons walked by and said, "That's interesting." To which I replied, "Interesting is much better than what it was before." Now, the fun begins! I'm off to find some things to put in this interesting place.