At the end of the hall in my basement is a funny little space. I have never understood what the builder was thinking when he built this spot. Originally it had a bi-fold door on it, leading a person to think that it might be a closet. But who builds a closet that is less than ten inches deep? Even if they would have taken the time to build shelves inside, what items would you store in such a small place?Finally, after years of being annoyed with this dead end, I decided to do something with it. I knew with a little creativity, I could turn this worthless spot into a place of interest and beauty.
I found a book of accordion music at the thrift store for a dollar. It has handwritten dates inside of when the owner played some of the pieces. They were dated 1954! The pages show their age. I love how yellowed they are.I tore out the pages and adhered them to the inside of the "closet", using wallpaper paste, overlapping the pages and adding parts of pages for interest.I knew I achieved my goal when one of my sons walked by and said, "That's interesting." To which I replied, "Interesting is much better than what it was before." Now, the fun begins! I'm off to find some things to put in this interesting place.