Friday, February 12, 2010

Loving it ...

Look a friend gifted me this...

Hubby & I were meant to go away for two days next week..... Hence she thought I was in desperate need for this...

I totally love it... What do you think??

I'm not a huge romantic... but need any reason to celebrate... specially celebrate love and the people I love... Tomorrow is just another reason for me to tell all the handsome people in my life... that I truly love them and to thank them for making such a huge difference!!

Yes! its Valentine's day.... for me & the girls... its another reason for a little bit of craft, a few candles, a little extra decor and voila its a celebration topped with lots of love..

We were meant to do this with photographs... but time hasn't been my best friend lately... so we opted for post it notes instead... and the girls have written little notes for the people who they love. And as they named the people... from grand parents, uncles & aunts, to friends & teachers... and then reasoned out why they mattered.... I laughed.. sometimes was a bit shocked... but all is fair in love & war they say!!

The notes are adorable... some will form a part of my memories... I will be emailing them out to everyone today...

Oh.. Also, the girls are having a tea party tomorrow... They've invited friends who mean the world to them, and have packed little gifts (almond chocolates in pretty pink pouches) for them as well. I thought it was very sweet..... (the chocolates!! *wink*)..

So what are you doing for Valentine's Day?