Dora the explorer was special… coz we celebrated this at home. Most of the banners, arrows leading to the house, the paper flowers, the star catchers and some decorations the girls made using chart paper, stickers and loads and loads of colours… ofcourse with a little help!!
The flip flop themed – pool party… was absolutely mad!!! It was on the same day at the Dubai Terry Fox Run… so we ran from the run venue to the party venue… It was pouring cats, dogs and all… so we had to cancel the pool bit and do an indoor party.. absolutely unplanned… but all my elves were super charged and we completed the décor just before the kids arrived.
The fairy & pirates party… was nearly a replication of the fairy and potter party we had the year before. The girls got involved with colouring & sketching on the give away – brown paper bags.. I had learnt a little bit of photoshop by then… so make the little thank you notes.
Halloween is always fun. Its not one bit scary in my household… Its just a way of getting the kids involved… All the stuff you see here are painted and sketched by the girls… (my girls… and their friends)… As usual… the final touch up still needs to be done… Still.. I think they do a fabulous job…
Do you have a party to show case?? Do send me an email on .. I’d love to feature it here!!