Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reindeer Art

This week I have really nothing to post as such because my son's winter break is on and most of my time is devoted to keeping him busy.

My son's school had a Christmas bazaar on the 13th of December, for which I was hosting a game stall. Keeping the Xmas theme in mind, we came up with a 'Stick the nose on the reindeer'. Pretty much on the lines of the popular party game which is Pin the tail on the donkey; this game was a winner from Minute one.

I drew the reindeer out on a chart paper with a touch of gold paint to give it that spot of grandeur :)

Kids were swarming over to take their turn and it got a bit tiring for me in the couple of hours :) Worth it totally though.

Happy holidays all and merry Xmas !! May Santa bring you all the gifts on your wishlist and hope all your dreams come true this festive season !! - I'll see you all in 2011, adios :)