Saturday, January 22, 2011

A day thru' my Window - Shanthi

Huh!!!! We are still in the middle of the winter - I can’t complain though – after all the fun time in India and Hawaii. But ACTUALLY lived long enough (20 yrs) in Norway that I enjoy and look forward to the 4 SEASONS and the play of colors around me – else life could get too monotonous J . OK does that sound surreal! – Hey!!! then look at a day through my window. Oops !!! my camera was shivering at -9 degrees J.

I woke up to this beautiful romance with Chaand following me thru’ all my windows.

While all this is going on in the west , the eastern sky was busy putting up its first colors.

And on is a neighbors smoking pipe

A train meandering its way

All that rises has to set and so here we are again with the play of colors at the dusk. ( hmmmm…. Pity !!! was too busy to capture the sun set )

So folks do you agree that life in our part of the world is not that bad either J . Have a nice weekend !!!