Monday, February 28, 2011

In the Spotlight ~ Green Thumb decor

Did you enjoy the ‘In the Spotlight ~ walls with character’ series in Jan & Feb? I received a great response to that series and while I still have a few more walls to show you, I'd like to introduce the March & April series of ‘In the Spotlight' and it's called 'Green Thumb Decor'. Now don’t say.. you don’t have any greens in your lovely homes! Even a little plant?? Really?? *smiles*

The Green Thumb Decor series will feature the use of greenery and related decor around your homes, balconies, gardens, indoors or outdoors etc.... but I would like to not only limit it to greens... so please feel free to send me pics of all your plant related decor - bells, dwarves, mushrooms, fountains - I'm waiting to see all the creativity I know is out there!

I’ll start this series by showing you a few pictures of greens & outdoor settings of my home…. And then during the next two months… I'm hoping to make a trip to Hatta to buy a few earthen pots & pretty thingys…. And show you the transformed garden….

Can you spot my little dwarfs... ??

These plants definitely need some improvement... so watch out for this space to see how they'll look by April... (I hope!!) *smiles* I'm linking to a few blog parties...

Be creative ….. imaginative…. And ready to show off your style… Email pictures to