Monday, March 14, 2011

Alice in Wonderland - Part 1

Parties are always fun... This one wasn't even too much of hard work... The girls & I did the chart work, and all my elves helped with the decor... and at the end... we had a lovely time...

So.. welcome... to Yva's Alice in Wonderland tea party.. We put signs all around the house... leading to nowhere... that read 'this way', 'that way', 'any way', 'other way'... etc...

The decor included large playing cards... and posters of Alice... etc..

All the kids... were guided into wonderland through the rabbit hole.... I found this one at a toy store... The kids loved going through the tunnel...

Can you see the little tea cup filled with chocolates??? It reads 'Eat me'....

The rabbit hole.... led the children to the 'theatre hall'... We created a casual seating theatre and got the kids to watch the cartoon first... I figured most of the kids hadn't read the book... and had not even watched the cartoon...

The kids loved the larger that life images of the 'cartoon' on our wall... and were ever so thrilled to have a mini movie night. Linking to blog parties here!

Here they are waiting for the cartoon to begin... All the kids totally loved the bean bags and cushions... Once they were more familiar... they were asked to follow the rabbit tracks drawn on the floor leading to the play area... (Sorry.. forgot to click pictures of the rabbit tracks!) ....

................. more Alice in Wonderland party ideas in Part 2!!