Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alice in Wonderland - Part 2

Hope you've read Part 1... so you know how we started the party!! .... the rabbit tracks got all the kids to the Garden of the Queen of Hearts... to play a few games!! They started with musical chairs....

..... then we played 'off with your head - 4 corners' (played like bombing the city)... the 4 corners were playing cards!!! You can see two of the corners on the top picture!!

We played... 'The Queen says' (like Simon says)...

Then we played a team game... 'toss the ball into the teapot or cup'.. This was fun... coz we gave the kids.. ping pong balls.. and they totally got frustrated coz they couldn't get the ball to go in!! *grin*

... and 'put a grin on the Cheshire cat' ....

We then tried our luck with the piñata.... The kids always get super excited with this!!

Once the games were over... We went to the Mad Hatters tea party.... Can you spot the cat on the top pictures (on the table)?... Here is where, we cut Yva's cake... which was in the shape of the Mad Hatters Hat!!

Can you see the paper lanterns the kids made... ? It was awfully windy for some reason.. so the paper lanterns didn't stick on the streamers... Anyhow.. We decorated with loads of carnival type decor... *smiles*... Anything and everything was good!!

The kids were served 'hot chocolate' & 'apple juice' (as tea), in tea pots.... poured in these little ceramic cups... They were so super thrilled!!

We surprised the birthday girl.. with an ice-cream van from Desert Chill... It was simply awesome.. !! I think at this point I was more excited than the kids... It was lovely to line up and buy ice-cream from a van... yay!!! *smiles*

We all wore t-shirts with 'Yva's wonderland' and a picture of her... just like we did for Sims birthday!!

The girls got a little ceramic tea set, pack of cards, Alice colouring book & an Alice In Wonderland story book with loads of candy and chocolates... to take home... The boy got 3D animal puzzles instead of the tea sets... and all the other goodies.. We are hoping at least a few kids will read the book now...

Overall ... we had a fabulous time!!

Linking to blog parties here!