Friday, March 11, 2011

Paper lanterns

Do you remember making these lanterns in school?? Celebrating birthdays is a joy... but its more fun when the decorations, artwork, etc... is done on your own.. Normally, we recycle the same decorations used for earlier or prior year parties.. I have a box of these... that we tweak or amend a little bit to go with the theme!!

For our 'Alice in Wonderland'.... Mad Hatters tea party... we wanted these paper lanterns.. So last weekend, the girls & I got together to make a few...

Here is what you'll need....

  • coloured paper or craft paper
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • cylindrical glass. But I couldnt find one, so we used the ikea tea lights. You can also use vases.
  • pencil to draw the lines
  • double sided tape
  • a few tea lights

1. Fold the coloured paper into two (half lenght). Draw equal lines. Makes the lines approximately 1/2 inches apart and stop 1 inch from the edge.
2. Give these to your kids to cut... Cut along the lines. Leaving the edges!

3. If you are using glass, stick tissue paper or lighter paper on the glass first. This will make it easier to sick the lantern on it. Use double sided tape on the length of the glass and stick the tissue paper firmly.
4. Unfold the coloured craft paper and stick a small peice of double sided tape along the top and the bottom.

5. Stick them together, or wrap it around the glass.
6. If you've stuck the craft paper together and are using smaller tea lights. Then light the tea light and then place the lantern on top. (this is what I did)
7. If you are sticking the lantern to an existing cylindrical glass, then light a candle and carefully insert it in the glass.

.... Aren't these so cute... and so easy to make. We've had these around the house all week long.. They are gorgeous!! I'm linking to a few blog parties!!

As for our Alice party... they will be hung with other hanging decorations... watch out for pictures!! *smiles*