Last week I made this cute Spongebob outfit for my son - he had a World Book Day celebration at school and had to go dressed as a book character. Yes, Spongebob Squarepants is not quite a character out of a book - but he's definitely one of my son's favourites :) Let me share with you a few pictures from the project
Beginning my project : I painted a white sheet of paper with brown watercolours, in retrospect using poster colours may have been a better idea ;-)
I bought a yellow piece of foam [available at most major stationeries], which would form the base, i.e Spongebob's face and body. I cut it to dimensions and set it aside.
Then, I cut the brown sheet into a rectangular piece and stuck it at the bottom of the foam sheet to form Spongebob's shorts. Then I stuck the shirt and tie as well.
Then I drew the template of his eyes, nose and mouth on a white sheet of paper. I used a strip of white from a magazine for Spongebob's shirt. For the tie, I drew the shape on to a red piece of magazine paper and cut it out.
In the pic above, I haven't really stuck it as yet - I have just placed the individual pieces on the foam, to ascertain the dimensions and to see how it fits together.
Eventually I cut out the eyes, mouth and nose after painting it and stuck it over the foam.
Here he is, painted and complete. I added a belt under the tie as well [drew and painted it over]. Isn't he cute? :):) My son loved it and so did everyone else in the school