I have to confess. . . I sometimes stalk you when you leave a comment on my blog :)
If your Google account links to your blog, I often click through to see who you are. It's also a great way to discover new blogs that I should be reading and to see what your homes look like. I love finding new (to me) spaces.
After Katie left a comment yesterday, I found a picture of her adorable bedroom (and her newly purchased thrift store antlers):
I really liked her green walls and the way she dressed her bedding, mixing the zebra print with the suzani pillow (which she actually sells in her Etsy shop). You can find her blog here.
(This is fun. I think I'll confess to blog stalking more of you soon.)
And, by the way, Katie had one of my favorite responses to yesterday's question of "would you buy a $30,000 rug if funds were unlimited?" Here's what she had to say:
About the 30k... there's just no question. But, I can only judge it for myself because extravagance is all relative to what you compare it with. Every single one of us live just as lavishly as Sharon Osborne and her 30k rug when compared to the majority of the world population. Check out the "If the World were a Village" childrens book. Very sobering.
Here were a couple of other responses that I liked:
It's not the 30k that made me queasy...it was the way it was just thrown out there. I can see someone spending that much on a rug, some giant antique situation in an old historic home etc. But to just walk into a store and toss out 30,000 on a completely generic mass produced rug shows how numb you can become when you spend money for kicks. I don't care how much money you have, and I don't think it's disgusting to spend it if you have it- But any 30,000 purchase you make should be special and meaningful and have VALUE to you reflecting the amount spent. Hope that makes sense.
Peppermint Bee said. . .
Not unless it was a magic carpet that I could use instead of my car! I can't even think in those terms.