Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pillowcase Giveaway from Bedside Manor

When my sponsor, Bedside Manor, offered to let me try their Charmeuse pillow case, I was intrigued.  I wouldn’t consider any of our bedding around here “luxurious”, so this was a special treat.  It’s 100% premium silk and is said to “prevent wrinkles" and “keep your hairstyle fresh.”   A pillowcase that can make me look better and save me time?  Excellent!

Here’s the little package I received in the mail: 


It’s all ready to go, if you want to give it as a gift.  (Would be perfect for personal showers, birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc. . . )  It also comes in white, cream, pink, sage and blue.

So, I know what you’re really wondering.  Did it work?  Well, I think the only reasonable way to review this pillowcase is to you show you before and after pictures of myself.

Before Bed. . .

The next morning. . .

Okay, maybe it won’t turn you into Megan Fox, but here are a few benefits to sleeping on the  Charmeuse pillow case (from their web site) now that I’ve got your attention: 

• 18 amino acids & high copper content restore hair luster and can even reduce fine facial lines
• Smoothes hair’s cuticle layer, adds body & shine
• Diminishes frizz & keeps curls smooth
• Ends tedious & damaging daily styling
• Reduces hair loss & breakage, you won’t find as much hair on your pillow
• Promotes a more restful & regenerative night's sleep

Giveaway details

Want to try one?  Bedside Manor is giving one lucky winner a Charmeuse case of their own.  (A $75 value)

To Enter. . . take a moment to browse Bedside Manor online and leave a comment telling me your favorite item from their shop.  For an additional entry, “like” Bedside Manor on Facebook and leave a separate comment letting me know.
I’ll announce the winner (chosen randomly) on my Facebook page on Wednessday, August 3rd.


To find out more about Bedside Manor, you can follow them on Twitter or sign up on their web site to receive emails.

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