Thursday, August 4, 2011

Now. . . And Then: Beth of Home Stories A to Z


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Blogger:  Beth of Home Stories A to Z 


And Then. . .


What makes me cringe when I look back: 
I can't find a great before picture of my foyer, but it was yellow and red (along with everything else in my home) with a little tiffany light fixture that was much too small for the space. The biggest mistake I made when we moved to this house four years ago was to try and "save money" by keeping my old color scheme. I was early to jump on the "Kirkland's look" as I affectionately refer to it back in '99 and was beyond tired of the red and gold theme when we moved. So dumb of me to try and make the look continue to work when I hated it. The other cringe-worthy element in this pic (besides the Santa) is the couch placement. It took me a very long time to figure out how to arrange my furniture properly. 

What I love most about my home now:
My house is continually a work in progress, and I'm very fickle in my love for it. However, if I had to choose one thing, I would say the board and batten that we added to our main level has made a world of difference. It's brightened up the space immensely and feels much more like "us" now. Oh yes, and my exposed brick walls throughout are awesome too. I adore the character they add to our home.

The biggest influence on my evolving style has been:
Hands down I'd have to say blogs! Before blogs, I would find my inspiration from movies, magazines, and catalogs. Although, I'm still addicted to magazines, blogs, Pinterest, and online mags are my main sources of inspiration.


Thank you, Beth!  Her blog is also full of great DIY projects for making a house a home.  Check it out here.

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