Monday, August 8, 2011

Reassigning Rooms: My New Home Office



My original plan for the new house was to set up my office in a little nook of the kid’s playroom. 



Then, I came to my senses.  I once caught my two-year-old “tweeting” when I had a separate office.  I can only imagine what would happen if they had access to it all of the time. . . .


So, it’s on to plan “B”.  My last office was tucked away in the back corner of the house, which worked great.  But, I’m actually hoping for my new office to function a little differently, and not be quite so private.  I envision the new space to be a place where I can have clients in for presentations, and where someone else can work along side of me on projects, if needed.


Before she ever saw the house, my friend Katie sent me this picture and asked if I had considered getting rid of our dining room in exchange for office space:


Home Office eclectic home office
Amanda L. Reid via Houzz

I thought it was perfect.  Definitely more spacious than my original plan, and right by the front door, which makes it the perfect spot for those visitors that you don’t want to see how the rest of your house “really” looks.


So, here’s the future office of Emily A. Clark Interiors:




So far, I’ve removed the chandelier and have bought one major piece from Craigslist that I’ll be showing you soon. 


My thoughts for the space?  A big work table, lots of bookcases/storage, and a big light fixture.  


This isn’t exactly what I have in mind, but I do love the big table in lieu of a desk, and the neutral color palette.  (Image found here.)


As for the dining room, we have a large eat-in area in our kitchen where we can easily all sit.  I don’t think we’ll even miss it—until our kids get older.  (Don’t worry, I have a plan for then, too). 


Sadly, we used our last dining room less than five times. . .


A couple of questions for you. . .   Have you given up your dining room for another purpose?  If you work as a designer in your home, do you have clients come to your office there, and how does that work? 


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