Monday, August 8, 2011

Shelf Stories ~ Mytri

I was a bit nervous to start off this series ~ Shelf Stories.. as I have no open shelves at home to show you and I just wasn't sure of the response... So I emailed a few friends asking for pics ... Thank you my loves... I'm humbled by the response!! *smiles*

The first set of pictures came from Mytri ~ showing us her stunning collections... *sigh*

Here is what Mytri has to say ~~

Here are some pictures of my shelves. In my house, shelves in various rooms are used for everything. From keeping books to favorite memorabilia. I have distinct likes and dislikes. I can love a contemporary book shelf and keep a favorite stuffed yak on the top and have an antique-looking chest and keep my sarees in there. I love things that are out in the open for me to enjoy as I enter a room. Each piece has it's own story to tell. I usually sit in the formal living room when I have to talk to friends and go through the various things in that room. In my dining room, I sit and think or do some art project and like to glance at various objects on my shelves. Memories are very powerful and I enjoy looking at objects that have deep connections to my family. And, yes sometimes they are even used for the purpose they were installed, to hold extra blankets along with the hat I got many years ago :). I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Don't you simply love her collections??

All these stunning pieces form part of her memories and are close to her heart...

Totally love... love those rickshaws... *smiles*

Hope you are joining in with your Shelf Stories ~ ~ If you are a non blogger, simply email your story and pics to