Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shelf Stories ~ Rama

Like I said... I was nervous to start this series... and now am super thrilled... You will see a shelf post nearly every day... Thank you..!! Thank you!! *smiles*... for being a part of my blog ..

Joining in today, is Rama from Time, Time... I have all the time... The few pics here don't do justice to her stunning home and her even more stunning collection... So please, hop on to her bog for more!!

Every little piece here has a story of its own ... Channapatna toys, pictures of her son and daughter as kids !!

Folk figurines from Madhya Pradesh....

I totally love the collection of toys.... Am sure each one must have a story... *sigh*... I love how Rama has displayed her photographs and toys...

This last pic is my favourite... of Rama when she was 21 !! Isn't it just stunning?? Do hop on to her blog for more...

Hope to see you at Shelf Stories with your post!! *smiles*