And from my mini holiday to Kerala.... I got this little thing home.... Do you know what this is?
Go on... be honest!! Did you know?? This, I believe, is the traditional kum kum (or bindhi holder)... I thought it was super pretty... and then when I saw the peacock... it simply had to come back with me....
Here is an ariel view for you.... What do you think?
And.. from last weeks linky, two posts that caught my attention....
DIY cup cake stand... @ Mindful Meanderings
And.. one think I simply cannot do... crochet flowers @ Anne Marie's Crochet Blog
So ... what are you waiting for?? Come on and join the party!!
'The Weekly Story' linky party ~ open from Monday through Wednesday every week.. ...
- Do a post on your blog, about ANYTHING! and it can really be anything – example – a fun recipe you tried out, a craft project, a DIY, a table top, a few candles, coffee with friends or a good book or a movie review… The list is endless… just about ANYTHING… and anything about YOU !! *smiles* ... It can also be 'anything pretty' ...
- Original photographs only... No images from other websites or magazines please!! This is about YOU.
- Link back to my blog.... only as a courtesy, so we have more people joining the party.
- Copy the 'permalink' from your post (not the link to the front page of your blog).
- Add your 'permalink' to the 'inlinkz' at the bottom of this post.
- Click the link before you. Don’t forget to comment and if you like the blog, please follow!!
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Please note, you DO NOT have to be a follower of my blog to join the party.. I'd love to see you here!!
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