Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Colors & Textures...

Happy Wednesday...How has your weekend and week been until now? Mine has been busy, but I managed to meet some close friends and we caught up on recent happenings. It was a very refreshing meet...and as I tell them often...I wonder at  times, as to what we would do without our favorite people in our lives! With those lines of thought, I worked on a painting...and as it sat drying on the dining table, I decided to call it 'Life', as it has lots of colors and textures interwoven...btw my home smells of fresh paint...

...Colors & Textures are like life...some days are bright, cheerful and positive...full of those things that makes one happy...and then, we have those colors that are not so bright...days and times that are tough! Textures are those learnings and people in your life, who are always there for you...help you balance life, making it easier to live...and to complete my train of thought, Sheila Sankolkar Aunty added.as a comment to my post of the painting on FB..."So let's take life in all its colors and textures in stride, whether bright or not bright.." So true...

Sharing some pictures of the painting...It is a Oil on canvas, a 24x36 painting. I experimented a lot before I got the texture I wanted...some of the experiments were way cool...will use  and share them soon. The fun part was as I put in the pictures on Facebook, I got 2 commisions and 2 orders for similar ones...:-)

Oil on canvas - a closeup...

...with some blue hues, a closeup...

Oil on Canvas 24 x 36...

And then I could not resist making another...this is a 14 x 14..Oil on canvas. I plan to give it  a 3 inch dark wood brushed slightly with gold frame...

Hope you like them...Adios until next week...
