Hard to believe it was a year ago that Better Homes & Gardens came to shoot our house. . . (For those of you who are new to my blog, it was actually our last home; we moved right after they came.)
After many months of anticipation, my friend Katie texted me this picture last weekend after spotting it at the grocery checkout first:
I couldn’t wait to get my copy in the mail, so we made a little trip to the bookstore, where I may or may not have bought 10 copies. (Well, I assumed my grandkids would want to see it some day. . .)
Look! Our story even made the cover :)
My mom and I had a little photo session by the newsstand—despite weird looks from the guy who was stocking the shelves. (Mom thought it was because he read my blog. I don’t think so.)
And, since this will most likely be one of the highlights of my adult life, I have to say a big thanks to:
Sherry Hart—who was gracious enough to send pics of my house (without me knowing) to her editor friend in the first place
Lisa Mowry—Sherry’s editor friend who thought my house was BH&G worthy and made this happen :)
Rob Brinson, Annette Joseph and team—for coming to NC and making our home look great in photos
Kathy Barnes—for writing such a beautiful article
My sweet friend Katie—who has been around for the entire process, starting with me calling her squealing with excitement on the phone last spring
My family—for putting up with my projects, the constant rearranging of our house and for managing to look “normal” for our article
photo courtesy of Jessica Higdon :)
You can read more about the shoot here and here.
After all of that, who would’ve thought that being in Better Homes & Gardens would’ve been the second most exciting thing to happen to our family this summer?