Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas cheer

So... we finally put up the tree... and Yes!! it does feel like Christmas now... *sigh*... 

Well... hubby & the girls put up the tree... I think they did a fairly good job... except... I did tell them.. that my tree colours would look lovely on simple white lights... But they would NOT listen.. so now I have multi-coloured lights on the tree... 

But all in all... it still looks nice... Not as gorgeous as I'd like it to be... but nice...

Can you guess what the colours on my tree are this year?? Last year was pink & silver... Do you remember? 

No time for DIYs, no time for handmade decor... Just opened the old boxes and put things up randomly.. 

And ofcourse my angels always have a special place... *smiles*... I picked these up... years ago from The One... They were meant to be chimes... but fell and broke... so now I use them as standing decor...  But they had nothing awesome this year...

The reindeer is my new addition... I think from Day to Day... for AED 2.. Awesome isn't it?? Put him in a glass jar... and gave him some importance with tinsel and lights.. and that makes a gorgeous Christmas decoration... 

See... for yourself... 

So tell me... what are the colours on your tree?? What do you think are the colours on mine!!?? Please don't judge based on the multi-coloured lights... *smiles*